Research Interest Group (RIG)


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=> A Research Interest Group (RIG) has been established with the aim of facilitating the exchange of faculty expertise among faculty members and fostering collaborative interdisciplinary research endeavours.

=> RIG contributes to enhancing faculty skill development by offering targeted training and sponsoring opportunities for attending training programs at centrally funded research institutions and for online certifications.


# Knowledge Sharing: RIGs facilitate the exchange of knowledge and expertise among members through seminars, workshops, conferences, and publications.

# Research Meetings: Members typically meet regularly to discuss research findings, share insights, and plan collaborative projects.

# Collaboration: Members often engage in joint research projects, grant applications, and other collaborative activities related to their shared research interests.

Key Features

# Networking: RIGs provide opportunities for networking and building professional relationships within the field.

# Research Advancement: These groups can help advance research in a particular area by pooling resources, sharing data, and promoting innovative ideas.

# Mentorship: Some RIGs may offer mentorship opportunities, especially for early-career researchers, to support their growth and development in the field.

Research Interest Groups (2023- 2024) – View / Download

S.No. Name of the Domain No. of Primary Members No. of Auxiliary Members No. of Interdisciplinary Members Total
1. Artificial intelligence and Machine Learning 30 27 24 81
2. Data Science 21 20 17 58
3. Computer Networks & IoT 14 26 28 68
4. Signal &Image Processing 15 18 18 51
5. Cryptography and Network Security 15 10 11 36
6. Power Electronics and Systems & Control and Automation 25 4 15 44
7. RF & VLSI 21 4 4 29
8. Materials Design and Manufacturing 31 12 5 48
9. Energy Engineering & Alternative Fuels 8 6 5 19
10. Geo-Environmental Engineering 5 2 4 11
11. Energy materials & Bio-inspired materials 7 4 11 22
12. Fuzzy Mathematics – Applications 11 - 7 18
- Total 203 133 149
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