

Language Lab

         LLC offers a very good computer lab facility with 68 systems. Each system has got its own head phone. The lab has two language learning and soft skills softwares at present (Globerina and Clarity Snet). Linguaphone software will be soon added.

All these softwares are self-learning softwares under the teacher’s supervision. Here in LLC the students are given an opportunity to improve their language and soft skills in a state of the art air-conditioned Language Lab.


Lab Equipments :

1.Number of Systems        : 68

2.Number of softwares       : 2

3.Number of teacher consoles : 2

Smart Audio/Visual Class Room

With a seating capacity of 70 the smart class room is an excellent air conditioned class room. It has got a latest projector, screen and 4 ceiling mounted speakers to help the students learn through multimedia system. This smart class room helps the students to open up their creative thinking. Visualized classes have more effect on students than the traditional way of teaching.

 Class Room

Apart from Smart Audio/visual room, there is another formal air conditioned class room with a white-board and it also boasts a seating capacity of 70.



LLC has got its own library with books on various languages to give maximum exposure to the students learning foreign languages, thus making the learning more effective.

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