PEOs, POs and PSOs

The graduates will:

PEO1. Technical Knowledge  Actively apply technical and professional skills in engineering practices towards the progress of the organization in competitive and dynamic environment.

PEO2.Higher studies and Research Own their professional and personal development by continuous learning and apply the learning at work to create new knowledge

PEO3.Professional and Ethical knowledge Conduct themselves in a responsible, professional and ethical manner supporting sustainable economic development which enhances the quality of life.

Programme Outcomes (POs) :

Programme Outcome (PO)



PO.1. Engineering Knowledge Apply the knowledge of Mathematics, Science and engineering to solve problems in the field of Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering.
PO.2. Problem Analysis Identify, formulate/model, analyse and solve complex problems in the field of Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering.
PO.3. Design and Development Design an electronic system/component, or process to meet specific purpose with due consideration for economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety issues.
PO.4. Conduct Investigations Design and conduct experiment, analyse and interpret data to provide valid conclusions in the field of Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering.
PO.5. Modern Tool Usage Apply appropriate techniques and modern software tools for design and analysis of Electronic systems with specified constraints.
PO.6. Engineer and Society Apply contextual knowledge to provide engineering solutions with societal, professional & environmental responsibilities
PO.7. Environment and Sustainability Provide sustainable solutions within societal and environmental contexts for problems related to Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering.
PO.8. Ethics Comply with code of conduct and professional ethics in engineering practices
PO.9 Individual and Team work Perform effectively as a member/leader in multidisciplinary teams.
PO.10. Communication Communicate effectively to engineering community and society with proper aids and documents.
PO.11. Project Management & Finance Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles to manage projects in multidisciplinary environment.
PO.12. Lifelong Learning Recognise the need for, and have the ability to engage in independent and lifelong learning.

(PSO1).Instrument Analysis  Analyze and monitor the characteristics of electronic measuring instruments to ensure performance, safety and quality of the processes

(PSO2).Controller Selection Select the suitable instruments, control schemes and controllers as per the requirements

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