Teaching and Learning Resources

Innovations by the Faculty in Teaching and Learning

The following are some methodology adapted by the faculties to improve the quality of Teaching & Learning processes.
      Group tasks(Projects)
      E learning & Webinar
      Software for administration and academic management (MCETEDU)

      Mcet Edu

      Product based learning/collaborative learning(iLenSys)
      Industrial attachment program
      Algodoo – 2D-simulationsoftware
      Autodesk-12- 3D Beta – 3D applicationand 3Dprinting
      ICT tools

      NPTEL videos

Mobile Applications

The following mobile applications are used in order to enhance the teaching learning process.
      Thermoprops- Thermodynamics steamtable
      Psychometric -Thermodynamics atmospheric airproperties
      Edu Quiz- MechanicalEngineering

Course Delivery Methods


Group Tasks (Projects)
  1. Projects are taken in groups of 2-3students.
  2. Students are guided by facultymembers.
  3. Projects are taken on a large variety of problems and many a times of a multidisciplinarynature.
  4. Projects are both theoretical andexperimental.
  5. Projects reports are written and presented with opendiscussion.
Role play
  1. Facilitates dramatizing the idea / concept to belearnt.
  2. Inculcates joy oflearning.
  3. Impacts the learners including passiveones
  1. Facilitates critical thinking of thelearners.
  2. Provides an opportunity to objectively assess thelearners.
  3. Multiple   Choice   Questions   (MCQ)based
Multimedia classroom
  1. we will define multimedia as the integration of text, graphics, animation, sound, and/orvideo.
  2. Multimedia activities encourage students to work in groups, express their knowledge in multiple ways, solve problems, revise their own work, and constructknowledge
  3. students can learn the importance of research, planning, and organizationskills
E learning & Webinar
  1. Students the freedom to learn at their ownconvenience,
  2. Students are encouraged to attend the MOOCS and assisted to clear theexams
NPTEL Videos
  1. High attention grabbing mode of delivery; very good understanding of the functionality of dynamic behaviour of the system could be learnt throughvideos.
  2. Actual visualization of industrial environment ispossible.
  3. Teacher could also interrupt video play and emphasise points in achieving desired learningoutcomes.
  4. Could be distributed as a soft copy to learners to facilitate smart learning.
Software for administration and academic management (In pods & Mcet Edu)
  1. The course materials and assignments are updated in the inpods and students can upload the answers with theirblog
  2. PO vs CO measurements can be done usinginpods
  3. Mcet    is    a    student    information    system,    for                   education establishments to manage studentdata
Product based learning / collaborative learning (iLenSys)
  1. iLensys – Through the exclusive learning products for engineering to bring comprehensive industry knowledge to drive application oriented learning to enable students better understand the  engineeringfundamentals.
Industrial attachment program
  1. Work-based experience program – providing a real-life organizational context for students to develop specific or generic skills, valuable to their professionaldevelopment.
Algodoo – 2D-simulation software
  1. Algodoo is the perfect tool for learning, exploring, experimenting and laborating with realphysics.
  2. Algodoo encourages students own creativity, ability and motivation to constructknowledge.
  3. Making it as entertaining as it iseducational.
Autodesk 123D Beta– 3D application and 3D printing
  1. Easy and user-friendly 3D application that can create amazing and complex objects starting from basic shapesorsketches.
  2. Simple and intuitivetool
  3. Design enthusiasts and hobbyists students can use thetool
Free WordPress Themes, Free Android Games


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