The Youth Red Cross (YRC) at Dr.Mahalingam College of Engineering and Technology, Pollachi (Autonomous) is one of the paths available to students under the Personality and Character Development Programme, along with NCC and NSS. YRC is a non-partisan international humanitarian organisation dedicated to serving humanity.A law passed by the Indian government in 1920 created the Red Cross Association in India, with the three goals of enhancing health, preventing sickness, and lessening suffering.


To organise emergency relief services and to prepare the students for managing
crises and disasters.
To conduct social and health awareness programmes.
Awareness on the care of their own health and that of others.
To encourage the students to extend their humanitarian services to the society.
To offer First Aid Training to all the YRC volunteers.
To develop leadership quality among the students.
The understanding and acceptance of civic responsibilities and acting accordingly
with humanitarian concern, to fulfil the same.
To recruit, train and develop volunteers/personnel as necessary for undertaking
humanitarian responsibilities.


Blood Donation Camp
Vaccination camp
Organize training session on disaster management: First aid.
Practice of Health habits.
Exhibition of film shows, cultural programmes and prevention of diseases.
Swachh Bharath Abhiyan: Cleanliness and rallies
Tree plantation
MCET-YRC motivates young minds to serve society and nation

Red ribbon club (1)

The Red Ribbon Club (RRC) at Dr. Mahalingam College of Engineering and Technology, Pollachi (Autonomous) is one of the paths available to students under the Personality and Character Development Programme, along with NCC and NSS. YRC is a non-partisan international humanitarian organisation dedicated to serving humanity. A law passed by the Indian government in 1920 created the Red Cross Association in India, with the hree goals of enhancing health, preventing sickness, and lessening suffering


To prepare youth as peer educators/agents of change both among youth as well
as society at large by developing their skills on leadership, advocacy,
communication and team building.
To provide platforms for students to contribute in the fight against HIV/AIDS.
To promote voluntary blood donation among youth.
To counsel the students regarding the various preventives for their proper health.


Blood Donation Camp
AIDS awareness program

down arrow  Report on Blood donation camp – 23.06.2022 – Download

down arrow  Report on Disaster managment – 23.09.2022 – Download

down arrow  Report on Blood donation camp – 26.09.2022 – Download

down arrow  Report on Blood donation camp – 07.02.2023 – Download

down arrow  Report on Competition on social activities – 07.02.2023 – Download

down arrow  Report on awarness on tobacco consumption – 12.05.2023 – Download

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